Thursday, October 7, 2010

You're Not Supposed to Know Everything

It's funny how my students think that they are supposed to know everything in order to participate in a lesson or to complete an assignment. They find it hard to accept that the purpose of lessons and assignments is to get to know the material better, to try out their thinking, to practice.

Students, assignments are assigned to give you experience with what is being taught in class. If you have the kind of brain that knows everything already, then just do the assignment to get it over with. However, if you're like the rest of us, then the assignment is going to take some thought to complete, which is what's supposed to happen. It really isn't a bad thing. The more you think, the stronger your brain gets, and the more you think about something, the more it becomes ingrained in your brain; the deeper it's ingrained, the easier it is to access it, making your whole life easier!

So I beg, do all of your assignments with thought. Do your very best to provide the best answers you can. And if the teacher asks you to show your work, then show your work, even if you can do the math in your head. The idiom "You can pay me know or pay me later," applies to school work too. So, pay up now so you can play later!

Enjoy your long weekend by taking time to explore your curiosities.

Lora the Study Coach