Friday, July 8, 2011

Study Coach Group Offering

If you’re looking for something to do this summer, why not get a group of friends together and take a class with Lora the Study Coach? It’s a great way to master the Study Coach’s methods to learn virtually anything, and with a group a friends, it’s sure to be fun! In 90 minutes, you will learn 20+ ways to acquire and remember information that will help you pass exams and earn better grades in the classroom. It’s a great investment that will help you earn better grades for the rest of your academic career. Wouldn’t it be great to never struggle again with your schoolwork?! Maybe taking a study class in the summer is not your idea of a fun summer vacation, but it’s worth sharpening your skills before you have to use them.

Take this into consideration: Two lumberjacks were chopping down trees in a forest (Hopefully they were planting trees to replace what they were cutting down.). By lunchtime, their axes had begun to dull, so they discussed the situation and came up with two thoughts: 1. If they stopped to sharpen their axes, they would lose time getting their job done; 2. If they kept going not stopping to sharpen their axes, then no time would be lost and they could keep working. After some thought, one lumberjack decided that they were already losing too much time and decided to keep chopping. The other lumberjack decided that it was worth the time to sharpen his axe, so he stopped chopping and began sharpening. His colleague just shook his head as he felled yet another tree. It wasn’t long before the lumberjack who had sharpened his axe got back to work and began catching up to his colleague and soon passed him in the number of trees cut down. After a hard day of work, there was only one lumberjack who was still working—the one who refused to sharpen his axe.

Study skills are like an axe: the sharper they are, the faster the work gets done!

If you’re interested in mastering the Study Coach’s methods, get a group of friends together and set up your class. Classes are limited to 5 students to assure that each student is given appropriate time and practice with each study method. Call or write today: (956) 501-7724, Cost per group is $200.

Lora the Study Coach