Friday, March 25, 2016

The Race

Life is a race. Where are you in this race? Some, many, of your classmates are putting in a lot of effort and leaving some of you in the dust. You must realize that by refusing to participate in the race of life you are allowing your friends and peers to pass by you, to be leaps and bounds ahead of you. Sure, you may be progressing and moving forward, but every time you decide to not do you best, to not really try, you are letting everyone else be better than you. Where does this leave you? Why should you care? Well, you tell me.

How would you feel to know that you were the worst cook in cooking school?

How would you feel if everyone's picture were on the wall wall and yours was the worst?

How would you feel if you were the odd man out?

Some of your peers are taking leaps and strides in their learning because they are really trying and doing their best. Don't be left behind. Don't choose to be one of the worst.

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