Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Exams are coming! What do I do?

I hope that you all have found your return to school a potitive one. It took me a good week to adjust to waking up early and staying focused all day long. But now I'm back in the swing of things and thinking about the state exams that begin in February, in Texas at least.

It's never too early to begin studying for the exams. Many schools have already begun their after school tutoring programs, and if you're like me, you will need the extra help in at least one area--but don't fret! It's all good.

There are many easy things you can do to prepare yourself and take advantage of the time you have left. Here's one:

Always, always, ALWAYS let your teacher know when you don't understand something. Yeah, it can make you feel dumb when it seems like everyone else knows what she's talking about or when classmates start laughing or making comments, but I guarantee you, you have at least 3 of those classmates who are as confused as you are.

Check back for another tip!

If you need effective, interesting study strategies, ask me about my book - The Study Coach's Easy Study Manual!

Lora the Study