Monday, June 20, 2011


Yeah! School’s out for summer! For us Texans, it’s been out for a good two weeks. Sorry to those of you who are still attending. Just remember that we all go to school for 36 weeks of class, and northern schools will have their time to brag in August when they are still on summer break and we are back in school. Enough of that.

Summer is here! Take the time to re-energize. I have found myself sleeping so much! I’m beginning to feel that I’m not worth the air I breathe. But then I remember the 36 weeks of perseverance and hard work that I’ve just completed and give myself a break. So, if you find your parents bugging you about sleeping too much, let them know that you’re body is re-energizing and gaining back its strength. However, don’t think that this is permission to sleep your life away. You do have to get out of bed at some point!

Lora the Study Coach