Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In Full Swing

By now, all students are back in school. It can be so exhausting the first few weeks, so take the time to go to bed early and stay away from the sugars. After a summer of relaxing, it takes my body two weeks to fully adjust to the rigor of thinking and being "on" all day, 5 days a week. That's why I forfeit watching the late news for a couple of weeks. I do allow myself an extra bit of caffeine, though, to get me through the mid-day hump, but not so much that I can't get to sleep. The worst thing to do is to eat a lot of sugar, because sugar is an energy thief. Have just one candy or a small soda if you get a craving, but don't use it as an energy source. Much more than that and your body will have to fight the fatigue of school stress and a sugar crash, and you'll feel horrible.

Moving on. When your teacher gives you an assignment that seems too hard, too easy, or worthless, remember that school, education, is so much more than academics. It's learning how to persist when you want to quit; how to go with the flow even when you want to go against it; how to put your own desires aside and give the other person what he wants; how to delay gratification; and how to shut your mouth, stop complaining, and just do what you're told. These, perhaps, are the hardest things to learn in school and these are the skills that bring success.

Lora the Study Coach